domingo, 27 de marzo de 2011

equipo 4-english

Types of GM products

1-*GM products are genetically modified by biotechnology.* are genetically modified by biotechnology genetically modified products.
2-*The tomato, golden rice, canola, plant-based vaccines, sunflower, coffee and tea, grapes and wine, snuff, trees, are some types of GM products.* are some types of GM crops: tomato, golden rice, canola, plant-based vaccines, sunflower, coffee and tea, grapes and wine, snuff, trees.
3- *Genetically modified seeds are resistant in order to avoid pesticides that harm the environment and human health.

*The purpose resistant to avoid pesticides that harm the environment and human health are genetically modified seeds.
Words of referent
The products transgenic are modified genetically.  Because tomatoes are one of the world's most popular vegetables, they have benefited from a long history of genetic improvement that continues in the transgenic age. Millions of people in the world suffer from Vitamin A deficiency, which leads to vision impairment and increased susceptibility to diarrhea, respiratory diseases, and measles. This rice variety is now being crossed into adapted varieties, with field tests possible in a year or two.  Weed control in lawns of these varieties can be accomplished with the herbicide Roundup, which is more environmentally friendly than currently used herbicides like 2, 4-D. Transgenic bananas containing inactivated viruses that cause cholera, hepatitis B, and diarrhea have been produced and are currently undergoing evaluation.  Resistance to this disease would expand the area in which sunflowers can be grown and might improve yields in areas of current cultivation. Other methods are criticized for removing some of the desirable, flavor-producing components along with the undesirable caffeine. Grape vines (Vitis vinifera) are susceptible to several diseases that reduce the amount and the quality of wine grapes and table grapes or even kill the vine. Nicotine-free tobacco is now being grown for a projected introduction of nicotine-free cigarettes. For example, reducing the lignin content of a tree can make it easier to recover wood pulp. Since we have also caused soil erosion by felling trees and we have invaded every corner on Earth, growing corn and other crops cannot be sustained. That is why we now talk about sustainable development, which implies, in addition to farming and stockbreeding for economic prosperity, social equity and environmental conservancy, all of which is integrated into one sole package. All of their descendants will have the same characteristics as the modified crop. A solution would be growing enough food by planning genetically modified seeds that are pest resistant in order to avoid the use pesticides that damage both, the environment and human health. There are some problems that have yet to be solved: there is no evidence that commercialized transgenic crops are pest resistant in our ecosystems.


 genes                                                                                                                                    method



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